VET PRODUCTS ONLINE is a family run online shop that has been in operation since 2000.
VPO is the brain child of a dynamic couple, the late internationally recognized veterinarian, Dr David Mullins, and his wife, Anne.
Since inception, VPO has been serving customers worldwide, delivering pet and veterinary products, no matter the size of the order. We pride ourselves on our professional approach and offer qualified veterinary advice where required.
Vet Products Online supplies a complete range of professional and veterinary products used in the treatment and prevention of animal disease. Our commitment is to access and supply non-scheduled animal products to the public, conveniently and cost effectively.
Over the years, Vet Products Online has built up a reputation for reliability and trust between us and our customers, who have in many cases, become our friends. We pride ourselves on personal service, good working relationships, and satisfying our customers wherever they may be.